Austrian 3R Center

In 2019, the RepRefRed Society was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research to establish the Austrian 3R Center (A3RC). In addition to creating a national contact point and knowledge platform for the 3Rs, the A3RC also aims to network internationally with other 3R centers.

The A3RC provides information on all pillars of the 3Rs, which is reflected in the panel’s expert reports. Birgit Reininger-Gutmann and Roberto Plasenzotti represent REFINEMENT, Beate Rinner REDUCTION, and Doris Wilflingseder and Beate Rinner REPLACEMENT. Active collaboration and transparent education, understandable to all, about the opportunities and challenges of all 3Rs, as well as knowledge transfer and stimulating discussions in the biomedical research community and outside, should accelerate the implementation of NAMs (new approach methodologies). That is why we in the A3RC work together with our sponsor, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, on various key topics in the area of 3Rs and bring together national and international scientists, animal keepers and interested people of the public as part of biennial Austrian 3Rdays.

We are very pleased that this year for the first time we can meet face-to-face in Innsbruck under the motto A3RC InN Motion at the Austrian 3Rdays, which will offer an exciting and cutting-edge program for each of the 3Rs – Refinement, Reduction, Replacement.